
Join us as we learn to listen, learn to love, and learn to follow. Jesus.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Money

Anyone mesmerized by the 96 million dollar contract Peyton recently signed? I started to write the opening line to this blog with the catchy phrase, "the new Peyton contract got me to thinking about wealth". That's not exactly true. The Words of Jesus have got me thinking about wealth. Remember when He told me that I "needed to get to know Him", well it seems that I have projected some of my lifestyle choices onto "His will for my life". . .don't think it's too pleasing either. If you've read the book Radical by David Platt--well, my guess is you think that it is really, really radical as well. He seems to argue that one day, we as the Church, will look back on our extreme wealth with the same disdain that we viewed historical "christians" who thought it was okay with God for them to own slaves.

It's striking to me that the essence of repentance that John the Baptist preached was to turn from greed. That's so interesting to me, because judging by the majority of sermons I've heard, I always thought repent meant stop drinking, cussing, and smoking. John says, "the one with two shirts must share", "don't take more money than authorized" (Luke 3:9-14). Jesus speaks over and over about greed and money.

I always assume that must mean someone else. After all, I know what we make--and while I know we're blessed--I certainly wouldn't label myself rich. But guess what? If your family income is $35,000, you are wealthier that 82% of the world's population. Check out

Another assumption that we here in America love to make is that when Jesus confronted the rich young ruler. . .well, we should see that in metaphorical terms. . .after all, Jesus would never ask that of me. I like what one pastor said--those who assume Jesus would never ask that of them, are probably the one's He's asking. Ouch! I sometimes think that we have scared our church leaders off. Why else would we have so few leaders stepping forward to say, "this it how it looks". Here is how much is enough. We have run so far away from being "legalistic"( and for good reason) that we have no clue how to reorient our lives to God. We don't know in a practical sense what to do. I say let some men and women rise to the occasion and dare to lead a generation of wealthy Americans to lay up treasures in heaven. Oh, please no not call me to this, Lord. I'm serious. You know it always hurts worse for those who go first. Sure, now any color woman can sit anywhere on a bus. . .but I promise you this--the cost was greater for Rosa Parks. We need some folks who would dare to look the American "Christian" Church culture in the face and scream--ENOUGH! REPENT! If you have two coats (or twenty-five) share!! If you and your pet live in a two-thousand square foot home either move in a bunch more folks or downsize!!

And don't even get me started on how much we spend on our pets!! Yes, I know. . . they are family! We love them! But in the time it takes me to write this post five children--children created in the very image of Jehovah God--will be dead from preventable causes! The angels weep at our lack of concern for the dying children in the world . . .when we are running around Petco trying to find matching outfits for our cat and our chihuahua.

I want to be very honest about this season of my life with Jesus. It is anything but a feel-good, buddy, buddy relationship right now. He is confronting me with some serious stuff. Like why I tend to be selfish. Is it because I really do want to keep up with the Joneses? I've already established that I am a Jones (see aforementioned website). You probably are as well. That's dispicable if true. Worse yet, I could simply not trust the One who says He is faithful. Do I hoard because I'm afraid Jesus is a liar? He promises that He knows "the number of hairs on my head" and He will care for me. Jesus will not let me get away with living my own plan if I am a follower of His. As Bonhoffer said, "when Jesus calls a man, He bids him come and die". We westerners think its more like, "come to the front, say these words, live anyway you like". And that is a lie straight from the mouth of Satan himself.

So, what to do? I wish I were one of those courageous leaders I was hoping would "rise up". We do have to guard against legalism for sure. But at the expense of obeying the words of the One who calls us to go and spend our lives on behalf of the lost and poor--I think not. I'd love to know what you think. I'm not that brave or bold--but I'm going to start room by room and lay my "stuff" on the altar. I'm going to start by sharing. Lord, have mercy when we get to the homeschool room. Serious. I love my books.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was great... THis is a personal favorite..Keep writing..I read this earlier, but just now had the time to make a comment.. This is certainly worth a 2nd or third read..(or maybe more)