Amidst the headache I am harboring due to my self-imposed dietary restrictions, I pleaded for a word. A word of freedom from the tyranny that is my lack of self-control. Most presently, it's in the area of food related indulgence. But really, it could have been one of many. Can you relate? Shopping?. . .Gossiping? . . .Lying?. . .A general lack of self-control--area non-specified? GLSC, yep, that's me. I sighed deeply. . . realizing that my reading today, from the gospel of Mark, would probably speak more to the events leading up to Jesus' death----and what really does that have to do with dieting, or lack of self-control for that matter?!? Discouraged. . . and still with a headache. I ponder a while over who the two men are that help Jesus and his disciples prepare for His last Passover. Nothing. . . good thought material though-- but nothing to address my present distress. For reasons unbeknownst to me, I continue reading on as Jesus offers the bread and the cup-----how the bread is His body, broken for us. . . and I peruse Exodus and learn that Jehovah instituted a "lasting ordinance"-- a remembrance, and He tells them before they leave. . . .then death comes and our ancestors are rushed from Egypt. . . so quickly that "the people took their dough before the yeast was added, and carried it on their shoulders in kneading troughs"(Exodus 12:34). . .and I too, rushed quickly from the house and thankful for the Passover and for the Lamb but without the gnawing hunger filled.
Later, Jesus gently whispers, "this is my body, broken for you" . . .Him holding the bread, hand extended to me . . .and I remember---- the bread eaten as they escaped slavery. . . and really, Joy the only way to escape slavery is by eating--- this bread--my Presence. It is Me. The Word as food. . . learning that you won't truly live until you feast on Me.
When you "take and eat", then the bread you eat will not only be the bread of escaping slavery, but the Bread of Life. . .life that is truly living. When I fill your soul----when I daily fill your soul, then Satan's strangle-hold is released and you are free. . . free to follow Me.
So driving up the hill from my busyness I learn . . . to come and follow, for your Yoke is easy and Your burden light. . .and soul-hunger is only satisfied by You.
One step further down the road,
Very well writ. If we truly belived Jesus fills us why do we hunger for other things like entertainment, food, busyness, etc. Why are we not fullfilled? Is it lack of faith, trust, or are we to grasped with what this world has to offer we cannot let go. Vision what God has instore for His faithful, can you see it? It is hard, but we must ask for Jesus to give us grace each day, and a passion for His work and Kingdom.
This blog is very thought provoking
Amen write on sweetness
I think we are too rushed. We don't linger with Him really. We want instant filling. . . instant everything really. . .we need to tarry in His presence and let that be enough. We must wean ourselves from the busy-entertained-rushed American life.
"Eating" a means of satisfying myself in a rush, in my sadness, in my worry, in my happiness, for my entertainment, for my fulfillment, for the feeling of doing, for the assumption of accomplishment, in my boredom and last, but not least, to fill the cup that should be running over with the Grace of God.....If only I would go there first....
Keep writing,
Love you,
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