I've been informed by sources (which shall remain nameless, but look an awful lot like yours truly) that the font I'm posting in is really difficult to read and may or may not show punctuation marks. Oh no, not that, I thought!! I shall have my techie (Rob) fix this as soon as he can fit it in to his schedule.
So I've been thinking alot about obedience here lately. My lack thereof namely. And it seems that if we are to follow Jesus at all we must take obedience seriously. So, I'm stuck in a quandry. Bear with me here, as I realize following Jesus doesn't fit into "twelve simple steps for following closely". . . I'm grinning at the thought. But I need a little encouragement, so the following lists are for me and if you happen to have an obedience issue as well. . . then I hope you can find some encouragement. Please add to each list as you see fit.
List #1 Why I Choose To Disobey (that includes delaying obedience)
This is a biggie for me. I've lived the better part of my life in fear of something. And if life doesn't afford me good enough reason to fear, then I'll just use my vain imagination and create something to chaw on. Really. It's pitiful if not somewhat hysterical that Eve fell for this in the garden and I've been following suit for as long as I can remember.
Surely you don't want me to do that? Really, I can't because. . . I'm to short, fat, skinny, dumb, tall. . . uh, picture Moses refusing to go and participate as God sets the Hebrews free. Can you imagine--God declaring that He is going to perform "sign and wonders" before their very eyes and all Moses can think about is his stutter!! Yeah, that's me!
Sounds so spiritual, doesn't it? Who doesn't think this is necessary? Only problem is, God would call my delay--disobedience!! Sure I need to pray and if need be ask for clarification. . .but if in fact my "praying" is delaying--I need to move out in obedience!!
I should guard against this--and fear. Isn't that what God repeatedly tells the children of Israel. . .do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. . . He says it over and over. The problem is-- I think I'm discouraged with the whole journey because instead of being obedient to the call Jesus says is for me, I'm running around after the good. Looks like a good project--even a church project--BAM! I say okay. And I'm tired. T-I-R-E-D. Then, I get discouraged!
For me, as humiliating as it is--I just plain don't want to be obedient, because it will cost me something. There is a sacrifice in following Jesus--that's what the Word tells me. . . there is no resurrection life without there first being a cross. And I don't like that theology. It invades my "comfy-all-about-me" created space. Lord, don't call me from my comfort zone, there is football and shopping and eating--yes, EATING to be done!!
Sadly, I could go on. . .and on. . . and on. . . but the truth is--Jesus is always more glorious, more wonderful and I need to find the reasons I should obey. Oh, I hope you'll add to the list. It would so encourage me!!
1. He Is Lord
Really, I can't call Him Lord and not obey. It would sorta be an oxymoron. If He is Lord--then I obey. First century followers would have gotten this. I don't. They knew what Paul's language meant when he says he is a slave to Jesus. I don't get the language, so I write it off as metaphor.
2. Jesus Promises To Come and Dwell
Incredible!! Really, the promise of Jesus is that He and the Father would come and make their home with me if I but obey. Scholars tell us, it is language along the lines of "I will pitch my tent among you". Yes, I could use Jesus living among this mess.
3. Answered Prayer
Without the space (and the theological expertise) this topic requires, I will only say briefly that the Word from cover to cover shouts that if we but obey, surrender self and follow--our prayers would be answered. (See John 14-17, Jeremiah 33, Isaiah 58) I need answered prayer. I get really tired of praying and nothing. Dry bones. Trying to be honest here--I get weary when I call and it seems He doesn't answer.
4. Finding Life
Lose my life to find the life that is truly living--wild and free! It seems counter intuitive, seems wrong. . .a culture screaming otherwise. . . but the voice I love says, "Joy, believe me"--find joy. . . find Joy.
5. Having Joy
I wish a name was a guarantee. Only His is-- He is the only guarantor of joy. And if I want it, (which oh, how I do) then I must obey. . . follow. . .obey. . . we keep walking the long road of simple obedience.
6. Pleasing God
He declared to Saul that obedience is better than sacrifice. Living a life of obedience is pleasing to our God. While I'll be honest in saying that this hasn't always been enough for me, I hope one day it will. I hope one day I will long to obey simply because it will delight my Father.
7. He Shall Reveal More
If I want more of Him, more knowledge of the Holy One, more experiences of His presence, I can't squander what I've been given. Isn't that what Jesus meant when He said that to him who has--- more will be given. If I want the secrets of the kingdom--I need to live in, abide in, live out what I already know to be truth.
8. A Life That Bears Much Fruit
We were created in Him, to bear much fruit. A life that is pleasing to the Lord is a life lived out in faithful obedience. Perhaps bearing fruit would cure some of my restless disillusionment with life. Simple obedience just might lead to the answer to one of life's most often asked question, "what is God's will for my life"? Perhaps God is saying, "I'm trying to show you--but you must obey". You're getting today's plan, not the ten year plan you so want! Hmmmm
9. Obey as a Way to Learn Trust
It really is the only way to learn trust, isn't it? I believe He will be faithful tomorrow because He's been faithful today. We survived that storm together, Lord . . . so maybe we'll just make it through the next. Finding He is able to keep that which I've committed.
10. Remembering I was Created for This
This wild ride. . . I was created for it. . . I was created to obey and follow and live the great adventure. No, life isn't how it was in the garden. He's working that out though-- in the meantime, until the storm of this life is calmed completely--He simply calls me to step out and walk on the water with Him.
I so hope I will.
Great writing it is so simple to say the word obedience, but one of the hardest things to do, when you its right. Great post will look forward to the next one
Misplaced a word, know "when you know its right" sorry did not spell check :)
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