
Join us as we learn to listen, learn to love, and learn to follow. Jesus.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Kingdom of God--Part II

Do you ever sit through a sermon and at the end of the message the pastor gives an "altar call" or invitation or whatever your group calls it and very few, if any people go forward. Awkward. Sometimes, the message is so of the flesh that the only ones to "walk the isle" should be to rebuke the pastor. Other times, the message is so of God. . .so Spirit breathed that no one can walk forward because they are paralyzed in their spirit because the Word of God has been sent out and it is not returning void. But we need to sit with it for a minute. Actually, I need to hop on the treadmill and let God get me quiet enough to hear Him apply His remedy. (I can't talk and run--or jog--just to be truthful.)  I don't happen to know if anyone went forward yesterday--I was watching via internet but Pastor Dan Riley's message series about demolishing strongholds--oh my--it would not be an understatement to say it was HUGE!!! Profound! And because I always like to add my "two cents" worth--I'll do that now. Oh, and if I got to add some notes here's what I'd say. So in this blog I'm totally taking his message and passing it along but ya'll I've got to--it was life changing. If you struggle with doubt, shame, anger, fear. . .etc, etc. and you want to be free-- As I was jogging/running--okay, I'm calling it running because I did shave two minutes off of my 5K time after listening to the sermon (podcast) having God apply this truth.  As I was running, I just wanted to set each of these issues before the Lord. Some things were obvious. I needed to repent and walk in freedom. But there is one. A big monster in my life. The loch ness of the lake. Never seen by others but always lurking about in the deep waters of my soul. FEAR. Fear. Fear. My fears have fears. I am always afraid of something bad happening. I live looking over my shoulder--sometimes afraid of experiening joy because I just know something bad is about to happen. Oh, I don't show this to anyone or many ones. . .but it is there.  So I sat it before the Lord.  And I simply said, "Lord, where is this coming from? What is fueling this?" And you know what--there may be things in life that have added to this . . . circumstances in life, untrustworthy people who have hurt me. . .but friends, God showed me that some things trace their roots back to Eve. Some strongholds have been passed down because we are "sons and daughters of Adam and Eve". Any men wonder why they don't assert themselves? Women wrestling with issues of trust? Read the account of the fall. And while life might have given added reasons to think that God is not for us--it all started with "did God really say. . . ?" (Genesis 3) Trust broken. So now what, Lord? His answer-- The journey to freedom is in the life of Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. Oh, how precious that Word.  Freedom becomes obvious in the life of Jesus. (And Pastor Riley's sermon didn't hurt, either)!! Smile.
Pastor Riley spoke of repenting, rebuking, replacing, and receiving. Let me clarify that repenting is "to change one's mind" as Dallas Willard says, it is to think about how you are thinking. It is not to bang your head on the floor in tears. . .though you may want to do that after you "think about the way you are thinking".  Repent means to turn to God. Stop following the father of lies and follow the lover of your soul. Just for clarification. I want to say that this idea of repenting, rebuking, replacing and receiving is so intertwined that one barely knows where one ends and the other begins.
God began to show me this by taking my mind to various "scenes in the gospel". Thank you, Dan Riley, so much for basing your sermons on the Word of God, btw. John the Baptist began with "repent for the kingdom of heaven is near" (Matthew 3:2). He told them to share their things. "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none. . ." (Luke 3:11). Repent meant to change their mind about thinking only about themselves. Seems to me John was telling them to take care of one another. Hold their possessions loosely always ready to give. Because when we live in the reality of God's kingdom we learn that it's all God's. And He cares for us.We can relax--trust Him--and not spend every waking hour trying to control the world (it's an illusion, anyway). Daughters of Eve feed themselves the lie that no one is looking out for us with our best interest in mind. God is holding back His goodness so I'd better go get all I can for myself. I can't count on God.  Daughters of Eve even misquote God, remember she told Satan "we must not even touch it, or we will die" (Genesis 3) Uh, no. Can't eat it.  But you see,  I'm no longer a daughter of Eve. I am "in Christ". His life in the kingdom of God is my reality.  So I can change the way I am thinking (repent) and instead of just looking out for myself-- I can trust God to care for me. Remember the lillies.
Oh, this is long. Let's do a part III.  If you have a stronghold that is plaguing you, the first thing to do is to change the way you are thinking (repent). Go to God's word and see what He has to say about it. Then find some time to sit quietly alone and allow Jesus to speak a word to your heart. A word directly to your specific situation. He will. Then rehearse it over and over in your mind-- twice for every time you have rehearsed doubt or anger or fear or lust (or whatever it is). Have mercy, we are not sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. If you are in Christ then it's time to update the family album. Once we were lost and the album was dark and black and not very lovely. But pull out that white, shiny one, my friend because you and I are new creatures and we need a new family album. Let's picture all of us  huddled together  in beautiful new robes . . ., in my mind's eye I see the loveliest arms draped around us. Thank you, Jesus.

Talk to me,


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kingdom of God--Part I

I have not blogged much of late as I simply have not had much to say/write. . .which has typically never stopped me in the past, but God in His great mercy has kept my mouth/fingers shut lately. Usually, if I have little to say and do so anyway I spout off such ignorance that I later blush. Some of you may know what I'm talkin' bout!
Lately, ya'll God has been teaching Rob and I something so profound that I don't know whether to tie my hair back and stick my face toward the wind of the Spirit or hide under the covers in fear.  Somehow, I forget from time to time that Jesus came preaching the kingdom of God. Now. Not when we die and go to heaven. How, as the church are we forgetting this? God is teaching us afresh that this kingdom is now and later. Eternal life begins now!! I am totally indebted to Dallas Willard, Richard Foster, Ravi Zacharias and oh my, Henry Blackaby! These men have poured into my life in ways (that of course) they will never know. Give me an amen if you love 'em as well.  I so often need a succint way of understanding what that means--this kingdom life. The kingdom of God, is simply God's action---God's activity. . ."on earth, as it is in heaven". (Thank you Dallas Willard for the definition.) And folks God is doing such AMAZING things all around and in your sweet life that Satan is hell bent on keeping you unaware of. . .and a couple of his tools are shackles and distractions. These strongholds in our life are Satan's attempt to use what God meant to redeem as our mental weapon to assail the trustworthiness of our God. Listen, what Satan meant to ruin you--God meant for your redemption. . .otherwise He would never have let it happen (thank you for that wisdom, Beth Moore). God means to send you out with a word of freedom for your brothers and sisters. Jesus means for us to be free--so that we can allow Him to live out His life through us in God's kingdom on this earth!!
I simply have to share this and I don't do it lightly. Rob and I have sat through some doozies of pastors. . .so I am very cautious. We have heard the Bible be misquoted from the pulpit with the verses blazed (in error) across the big screens. . . then proceed to have a whole sermon "preached" from the misquote. Yikes! True, though. So when I recommend something I want to make sure that it is of God. Folks, if you want to be equipped to see God demolish the strongholds in your life go to and listen to the last two weeks worth of sermons in the "Blueprint for Life" series. It has so blessed Rob and I that we sat in front of the computer to see church this morning.  I do mean sat through forty-five Droid commercials to hear the message. Our little ones have a cold so in good conscious we couldn't go expose them to ten other 2-3 year olds. It was so worth it. . . that and I might buy the Droid (kidding)!
God delights in allowing us the joy of participating with Him as He sets us free--then, He alone prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemy. We can eat that meal in front of Satan. The Bread of Life. The stream of living water. And we can crush the head of the serpent because when those shackles hit the floor our feet are going to learn to walk again in freedom. . .and then we are going to run--run to the side of the hurting and the lost--those that Jesus said looked like sheep without a shepherd. . . and then friends those feet are gonna dance before the Lord. Can I get an Amen?

Skipping down the road,


P.S. Tomorrow I'll tell you how this message shaved almost two minutes off my 5K.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

I come from a dysfunctional family. So do you. Sadly, the Fall ensures that in one way or another we are all flawed humans wallowing in the muck and mire of our own sin and a world gone mad. Your dysfunctional home may be doing its best to cover the madness with the appearance of a Mom wearing high heels while she serves the children made-from-scratch chocolate chip cookies ala' "Leave it to Beaver" style.  Or your home may just let it all hang out with the whirlwind leaving a trail of wreckage in its wake. But really its all the same. Does a mask really cover up the fact that there is a hidden face beneath. Maybe for a time, but not really. So when my Mom tells me that "she didn't do a good job" raising us, I'm stuck between choked-back sobs and hysterical laughter.  Why, I wonder, does she think that? Is it because our home faced down alcoholism, control issues, ADHD, sickness, disease and death?  Or is it because, however briefly, Mom forgot that our God is sovereign? No, He is not the author of sin--He hates it.  He wishes it had never happened.  But love demands freedom and He had to stare down the choice we made in the Garden through the backdrop of the cross. A cross He would hang on. For "God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ" (2Cor. 5:19). What parent doesn't feel the weight of pain that hangs on the necks of their children? None I know.  Ours is a Father who stared down the pain that would at times dwell on Wright street because He knew that His glory is best seen in redemption. Do you know of anything more glorious? Anyone could take a perfect world and produce perfect people. God did that once, too. Remember the garden. But what makes our God so glorious, so worthy of our praise is that He--only He--could clothe Himself in flesh, take up our pain and redeem it. You know anyone who can do that? Me, either. We tend to make things worse when we meddle with them. He takes our mess--our dysfunction--and redeems it for His glory.

So, while things were never perfect in our home (yours, either) He has taken it and weaved it into the most lovely fabric of redemption and "it is marvelous in our eyes". I wouldn't trade that for a mask of perfection anyway. Our masks never seemed to fit and kept falling off for the world to see. But lest Mom over inflate her sense of fault and diminish God's sovereignty and glory I'd like to write out the top ten reasons why she is the best mother in the world. Don't try to argue it--I promise she's the best--here's why:

1. She made sure that I had the opportunity to fall in love with Jesus. He's irresistible--- but we need to be exposed. I learned to love him on those small brown chairs in Sunday school rooms at FPC. I hid His Word in my heart. It didn't hurt that Mrs. Jones bribed us with money each week for memory work. Is that against anyone's religion? Lila Romine played the piano and Mr. McCampbell led us in singing. He did that weird hook thing with his hand, why? Watered down red kool-aid and butter cookies on your finger. Mr. Jones teaching cathecism. Mrs. Lovingood teaching us "Only a boy named David" and "Be Careful Little Eyes what You See".  One smell of that building and my mind floats back to a wonderful childhood in church.

2. She loved my Daddy regardless of what was going on. In a world of disposable marriages, she showed what commitment means. Their relationship just may be the closest thing I've seen to the love of the Father. He will follow after us to hell and back because His love simply will not let us go. I know of no one else on this earth other than my Mother who has that kind of tenacity. It may actually border on insanity but that is another post altogether!

3. My Mother made sure we had every opportunity despite some pretty difficult circumstances. I know of many people under much less pressure who simply fold. (Me, for example) I'm not good in a crisis. She must've been born for them. We were hauled to every manner of activity no matter what was going on at home. That takes intestinal fortitude. Or sheer stubbornness--she has that too. In a good way.

4. She cultivated rich relationships with family. We went to visit Granny Ruby, Murr and Daddy Earnest, the cousins in Coker Creek. Our lives have been so blessed because of their influence.

5. She had Summar dance ballet and be a cheerleader. Few things in adulthood bring more joy to my heart and deep laughter to my soul than this fact. My children so enjoy photos of her in her make-up and tutu.

6. She delights in her children. So much was this influence that I have five of my own. She adores her grandchildren. In a world that views children as an inconvenience and hindrance to fulfilling one's own dreams, she modeled selflessness. She has reinforced the dignity of raising children. She has never once said, "are you having another baby?" except with joy and anticipation. That alone should let you know what kind of woman she is. She just may be one of only a handful of people who actually believe God when He says children are a gift. Does our Father give anything other than good gifts?

7. She provides endless laughter for Summar and I. Especially if Summar has a camera. Few people have this gift. It is endless joy. She humbly accepts my attempts at humor at her expense. So varied are her excentricies (is that a word) that each one of us has our own joy at her expense. Daddy moving the car. Summar with the camera. Me with words of wit.

8. She found my husband for me. . . well, its a long story. Some family stories need to remain in the family, eh? I could not be more blessed.

9. She will absolutely drop everything to run to the side of someone hurting or in need. Many of you know this. There is no one I'd rather have in my corner that my Mom. She's also a fighter if you need that. A raging brown ball of fur, she is.

10. The uncontested reason my Mom is the best Mom in the world is because she has me for a daughter. REALLY! It took greatness to raise this level of intelligence, beauty mixed with compassion and humility. Oh yes, my wit . . .and humor. . .*wink* smile!

I love you, Mom


Sunday, May 6, 2012

God Reads Your Blog

Apparently, God reads blogs. I don't say that with a smirk, either--though it does bring a smile to my face. I guess if few others read your musings, it's nice to know the One that really matters is listening. In fact, if no one else ever read a word I wrote, yet God in His kindness condescended to listen and respond--that would thrill this heart!! Really!! I'm guessing you feel the same way. I'm even beginning to believe that it is true. The apostle Paul was convinced that He was not far from each of us, "for in Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). That's a pretty strong thesis. And we might be a bit more inclined to believe it were it not for a world gone mad with noise. NOISE! In a world with DVD, CD, Blackberry, iPad, iPod, cellphone, telephone (I'm writing these to a sing-song tune) a life lived in God is hard to recognize. It is a reality, that much is true--but our recognition and realization of this truth seems to allude us. At least it does me. It reminds me of a plaque I read that went something like this, "We should practice silence and solitude, for the world shouts yet God whispers".

He is infinitely kind. And while I rarely have the opportunity to practice the amount of solitude that my soul needs, He often breaks through my angst to sooth the disquiet. My blog wonderings of late--He is kindly attending. And isn't it just like God--to speak to us the way we hear. For example, my husband "hears God" best when they commune with music. Others I know "hear Him" best outside admiring His creation. For me, give me words. The Word. Faithful to speak, He has brought books from every corner of the theological spectrum to bring me closer to Himself. I am so thankful. My soul relaxes and leans in. Love expands.

He knows your love language as well. Let your soul stir. . .then listen. . . He speaks.

Journeying with you,


Monday, April 9, 2012

It's All Fun And Games

Disclaimer: I want to place a disclaimer on this post so
that you are prepared before reading further. This post may offend you! The
thoughts in some way offend me—but I believe they are true. On the front end, I
want you to know that in some ways I am a prude. There, I said it. I find it
offensive when people do things like post their “Hollywood crush” on facebook.
I am usually more offended if the person is married (yes, blows my mind but
people really do this. . .as if their spouse is totally okay with it). Get
real! I have also been known to delete facebook friends (I don’t have that
many) who put pictures on the page that are in my opinion soft porn i.e.
scantily clad women or men. So, if you do not happen to be the least bit
prudish then my advice would be to ‘x’ out of this blog and come back again on
another day. Okay, that said. . . this is on my mind—
The morning after Easter is a peculiar time, wouldn’t you
agree? After the climax of what had to be the worst few days in the disciples’
lives—they are now living in the reality that He is alive. HE IS ALIVE!
Everything changed. Everything is changed.
Yet for those who “knew Him not” life returned to normal. Think for a moment, after the crucifixion—clean-up from the Earthquake began. People went on about their normal routines. Those who shouted “crucify Him” had succeed and after it was done-- they probably
returned home and began to prepare a meal after sundown. I’m sure it had to irritate the disciples that the “world” just went on as if nothing unusual had happened. They simply did
not grasp that God’s Promise had been crucified. Yet for the disciples, life spun out of control. . .their Center was dead. . .defeated they returned to the boat. . .waiting. . . but for what? Then came the morning when a few bleary-eyed women beheld the face of the One they loved. Nothing would ever be the same. Fast forward two-thousand and some odd years later. Monday morning seems like nothing has changed. What we celebrated yesterday has become old news on Monday. The church has returned to business as usual. How can this Monday morning feel so like last Monday? So I’ll tell ya’. . .I was irritated this morning. I’ll get to that in a second. But I’ve been irritated a bit lately—and it is an irritation pointed squarely at me! Jesus does not hold anyone responsible for my walk with Him other than--me. But Saturday night after our family celebrated a Messianic Seder meal together, I went into my living room full of awe at how the feasts, the celebrations point to Jesus—they are fulfilled in Him. There, staring at me from my mantle were five gaudy Easter baskets. I should’ve laughed but it wasn’t particularly funny. It was angst. How could I have spent my entire life coloring eggs, hiding eggs, finding eggs. . .yet I had never experienced the Passover meal? How had a woman raised in the church never raised the shank bone and beheld Jesus, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world? How come I had never been taught how the Old Covenant announced with the blast of the shofar—Messiah
has come! No wonder God had to shout through the heavenlies , “this is my beloved
Son—listen to Him” (Mark 9:7). Perhaps, if I’d been following the ordinances set before me I would recognize God when He comes. My argument is not that we try
to keep the law so that we have justification before God. Absolutely not! But I also don’t think we just chuck the Old Covenant now that Jesus has fulfilled it. We are free, as Paul
told the Galatians, we don’t have to keep the laws (not that the Hebrews or
anyone were able) but it doesn’t make sense to lose our spiritual heritage and
culture (we are the spiritual seed of Abraham and heirs according to the
promise (Gal.3:29) and instead decide to adopt the world’s culture. Makes no sense to me.
Back to my irritation this morning. Driving to the dentist, I see a church sign that says something to the effect, “bring your peeps”—with a cute Easter peep on the front. It was absolutely cute. Culturally, it fit right in. You might expect to see it on the sign for Dollywood or Disney or the like.
But a church! Really? Have we decided to become so “seeker sensitive” or “culturally relevant” (I told you this post might get offensive) that we are about cute signs to attract people. I would also like to know if anyone on this planet has ever graced the doors of a church based on one of our cute, yettrite signs? Why doesn’t the church—rather, why don’t I—decide to be a
lighthouse for the storm-threatened ship instead of a flashing neon sign
announcing “Fun here”? If the cross is offensive to those who are perishing
(1Cor. 1:18), then why are we trying to make it as palatable as possible? Do we
fear God can’t do his part? Is “saving grace” of us? Our clarion call should be--
once you have tasted from the all-you-can-eat-and-never-feel-satisfied buffet
of the world, Jesus offers a banquet feast of Himself—one that promises you
will never hunger and thirst again (John 4:14). Instead, the church in America seems
to be offering the world’s buffet--dessert served with a sprinkle of Truth.
Where are you disciples and leaders of the Church? Why do our children know how to color, hide, hunt and find prize eggs---yet they don’t know that when we hold up the shank bone we are remembering that Jesus became our Passover lamb. Why is there no wide-eyed wonder over the words of Jesus as He holds the cup of redemption, “this cup is the New Covenant in my blood,
which is poured out for you”? (Luke 22:20)
Why do my children, when they realize Easter is coming, ask when are we
going to color eggs? Why are they not asking, Mom, when are we going to
celebrate Jesus, our Passover Lamb? The truly sad part
is-- the world isn’t buying it. Why would a seeker want more of the same? Why
would you seek if the world is so satisfying? And why in the world is the
church reducing the offense of the cross to cute signs and Easter basket giveaways!?!
God help us to see that the Glory of the Father in the face of Christ was a spear-struck, bloody Lamb-- not an Easter bunny carrying goodies to entice children. God help us! We have lost the joy of the ordinances you set before us to teach our children. We have tossed the baby
out with the bathwater because we are afraid of being accused of legalism. And
we are at a loss to know Whose we are in the world and how to carry the gospel
forward as a beacon of hope to a dying world. For crying out loud, we look just like the
world. Father, forgive us—forgive me.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What If?

What if we are missing out on the greatest Love of our life? What if we are exchanging the most thrilling adventure for a mulch-piled-high landscaped comfort zone? What if the American dream married our self-sufficient arrogance and produced indulgent-yet-bored offspring. Could it be that we are missing the forest while staring at the trees? Shaking our heads in unbelief simply because it really should depend on us more. If I can’t figure out how to help God run His world. . .then I’ll. . .I’ll just pack up my toys and leave the sandbox.
I recently finished the autobiography of George Muller (the nineteenth century saint who relied solely on God to provide for thousands of orphans) and I was blown away by his story. Correction—I was blown away by the tangible, real answers to prayer that sustained this amazing ministry. Still shaking my head, it was as if God was speaking about prayer every time that Bible was opened. Zechariah and Elizabeth. . .the second Psalm. . .so it got me to thinking. What if God doesn’t need our advice, our input or our solutions to world problems? What if He is simply waiting on His children to give up their own agenda (you know that whole crucified life thing) and take up the work of prayer. What if He simply wants the joy of our company? Don’t get me wrong—I’m not implying that our prayer is what gets God to act according to His will and good purposes. I totally believe that ultimately God’s will in this universe trumps anything else. After all, “the God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else” (Acts 17:24). But, He designed a world in which we “seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find him, though He is not far from each one of us” (Acts 17:27). How amazing that God would be pleased to condescend to us in relationship. Yet, we—I mean I, squander that relationship trying to “do great things for God”, when what He really wants is a child who will look up, take His hand and walk with Him. Loving mercy. Doing justice. Walking hand in hand.
So, I think I'm giving up my self-inflated ego fed dreams of what a super star I can be for God. Seems that role is pretty well taken already (I mean have you seen the press some of our "christian leaders" get). Funny really. . . a first century rabbi eventually completely deserted and we have mega church leaders. Go figure. (Digression resolved--back to regularly scheduled blog)
Since I'm pretty anonymous anyway. . .and I really do want to know that I can trust completely. . . what'd ya' say? Wanna walk together prayerfully depending on a God who promises faithfulness. Wanna record that faithfulness--not for our own glory--heaven forbid--(which I'm absolutely sure He does) but for our own children and anyone else who might be encouraged?

What if we decided to make much of God--for the glory of God--by abiding in Jesus through believing prayer--and this for the encouragement and discipleship of others by looking to where Jesus is working and then prayerfully joining? Sounds like I've got myself a mission statement--I do dearly love having it spelled out simply and succintly.

Who's in?

May the road you travel this Holy Week be prayerful,


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Money

Anyone mesmerized by the 96 million dollar contract Peyton recently signed? I started to write the opening line to this blog with the catchy phrase, "the new Peyton contract got me to thinking about wealth". That's not exactly true. The Words of Jesus have got me thinking about wealth. Remember when He told me that I "needed to get to know Him", well it seems that I have projected some of my lifestyle choices onto "His will for my life". . .don't think it's too pleasing either. If you've read the book Radical by David Platt--well, my guess is you think that it is really, really radical as well. He seems to argue that one day, we as the Church, will look back on our extreme wealth with the same disdain that we viewed historical "christians" who thought it was okay with God for them to own slaves.

It's striking to me that the essence of repentance that John the Baptist preached was to turn from greed. That's so interesting to me, because judging by the majority of sermons I've heard, I always thought repent meant stop drinking, cussing, and smoking. John says, "the one with two shirts must share", "don't take more money than authorized" (Luke 3:9-14). Jesus speaks over and over about greed and money.

I always assume that must mean someone else. After all, I know what we make--and while I know we're blessed--I certainly wouldn't label myself rich. But guess what? If your family income is $35,000, you are wealthier that 82% of the world's population. Check out

Another assumption that we here in America love to make is that when Jesus confronted the rich young ruler. . .well, we should see that in metaphorical terms. . .after all, Jesus would never ask that of me. I like what one pastor said--those who assume Jesus would never ask that of them, are probably the one's He's asking. Ouch! I sometimes think that we have scared our church leaders off. Why else would we have so few leaders stepping forward to say, "this it how it looks". Here is how much is enough. We have run so far away from being "legalistic"( and for good reason) that we have no clue how to reorient our lives to God. We don't know in a practical sense what to do. I say let some men and women rise to the occasion and dare to lead a generation of wealthy Americans to lay up treasures in heaven. Oh, please no not call me to this, Lord. I'm serious. You know it always hurts worse for those who go first. Sure, now any color woman can sit anywhere on a bus. . .but I promise you this--the cost was greater for Rosa Parks. We need some folks who would dare to look the American "Christian" Church culture in the face and scream--ENOUGH! REPENT! If you have two coats (or twenty-five) share!! If you and your pet live in a two-thousand square foot home either move in a bunch more folks or downsize!!

And don't even get me started on how much we spend on our pets!! Yes, I know. . . they are family! We love them! But in the time it takes me to write this post five children--children created in the very image of Jehovah God--will be dead from preventable causes! The angels weep at our lack of concern for the dying children in the world . . .when we are running around Petco trying to find matching outfits for our cat and our chihuahua.

I want to be very honest about this season of my life with Jesus. It is anything but a feel-good, buddy, buddy relationship right now. He is confronting me with some serious stuff. Like why I tend to be selfish. Is it because I really do want to keep up with the Joneses? I've already established that I am a Jones (see aforementioned website). You probably are as well. That's dispicable if true. Worse yet, I could simply not trust the One who says He is faithful. Do I hoard because I'm afraid Jesus is a liar? He promises that He knows "the number of hairs on my head" and He will care for me. Jesus will not let me get away with living my own plan if I am a follower of His. As Bonhoffer said, "when Jesus calls a man, He bids him come and die". We westerners think its more like, "come to the front, say these words, live anyway you like". And that is a lie straight from the mouth of Satan himself.

So, what to do? I wish I were one of those courageous leaders I was hoping would "rise up". We do have to guard against legalism for sure. But at the expense of obeying the words of the One who calls us to go and spend our lives on behalf of the lost and poor--I think not. I'd love to know what you think. I'm not that brave or bold--but I'm going to start room by room and lay my "stuff" on the altar. I'm going to start by sharing. Lord, have mercy when we get to the homeschool room. Serious. I love my books.
